My meal plan is poppin’

4/01/2016 12:47:00 PM

I have been lucky enough to be able to hide this post baby body under flowing shirts and maxi skirts. However the reality of what I see when I look in the mirror is nothing short of alarming. I have exactly two pairs of jeans that fit properly – exactly two. Surprisingly, I’ve actually grown tired of my own self-loathing diatribe thus finally provoking myself to action.

Enter, the dreaded meal prep plan.

I actually always meal plan for the week. Having a plan for what I am going to cook immensely reduces my stress and gives me some semblance of organization. It also means I don't’ spend countless minutes wandering from aisle to aisle in the grocery store trying to remember if I do in fact still have ground beef in the freezer.

So after sorting through a bunch of recipes I landed on the following menu:

Breakfast: Smoothie and scrambled eggs
Snack: Fresh fruit cup
Lunch: Roasted chicken breast with a veggie medley and brown rice
Snack: Yogurt cup topped with nuts
Dinner: Broiled salmon with roasted carrots and spicy sautéed spinach

I made some adjustments based on our tastes. Yes, I said our tastes. Tony is also, rather reluctantly, enjoying a weeks worth of prepped meals. I will be honest. I have been hungry. Really hungry. But it’s more of the type of hungry you get in your heart when you really have a taste for something and you can’t get it. You guys know what I’m talking about.

But I digress.

Not only have we saved a ton of cash by not eating out, I am also already sleeping better. All that take-out must have been weighing me down more than I realized. So, I am gearing up for next week and I am admittedly not super excited. However, I have no plans on quitting. I am determined to have a body that allows me to run around with my son and look at the mirror with satisfaction instead of sadness. Wish me luck, buds.

If you are interested in the recipes I used, check them out below. Do you guys have any good meal prep ideas? Share em!

Roasted Chicken Breast with a Veggie Medley and Brown Rice

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