Growing Basil and Raising Boys

2/19/2016 10:00:00 AM

To say that I have a brown thumb would be a courtesy that I have not earned. From tiny window plants to sad attempts at curb appeal to handcrafted (albeit DIYed) garden boxes, I have killed every plant my hands have ever touched. In the interest of full disclosure I will share that I do have a sad little basil plant on my kitchen windowsill. It cleaves to life as I struggle to bring it back from the brink of death either from overwatering or perhaps now under watering. Thankfully, my total inability to nurture does not apply to sweet little boys. My son is laughing, pooping and generally growing at an almost alarming rate. And while I have had my fair share of babysitting gigs absolutely nothing could have prepared me for the rollercoaster ride of motherhood. Absolutely. Nothing. (On a side note, shout out to all the single mothers. If it were not for my fantastic husband I am convinced I would have left this little bugger at a roadside produce stand by now.)

So, Ty just turned 8 months and I find myself wondering where did the time go? He used to be a little sack of potatoes, eating and sleeping around the clock. Now he’s a person. He has likes and dislikes and it astounds the crap out of me. He basically does something new everyday. How amazing is that? How many of us can say we do something new everyday? So let’s take a lesson from Ty. What new thing are you doing today? Try a new restaurant. Take the long way to work. Check out an online skills site like Skillshare or Lynda. There is no shortage of new things to learn, see and do. Go forth and discover.

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