5 Things I Learned From My First Week of Healthy Meal Prep Planning

4/02/2016 10:00:00 AM

If you saw my last post with this week's meal plan you'll know I've been hanging out somewhere between hungry and real hungry. Well I am happy to report that despite the looming hunger cloud hanging over me, my body is showing me I made the right choice. For my cheat treat I finally got that red velvet cupcake I had been yearning for. I didn't even make it through half before my stomach started doing backflips. Needless to say, it's still sitting on the kitchen counter untouched. 

So our first week is over and as I sit down to plan for next week a few things have come to mind that I thought I would share with you guys.

1.     Plan to eat things you actually like.
Remember, you’re going to be eating these meals all. week. long. It's not really the time to experiment with your latest Pinterest find. Nothing will pull your off track faster than a fridge full of meals you can’t bear to finish. Put down that phone – just say NO to the take out!

2.     Don’t skimp on good ingredients.
Even on a budget, you can make good, fresh choices. Sure, frozen veggies are better than no veggies at all but when you’re five days deep into your week you’ll be grateful your green beans aren’t making their way through their third or fourth cooking cycle. Now let me say, nutritionally speaking, frozen veggies have been shown to be just as healthy as fresh. However, personally the taste of frozen veggies is off putting to me so I stick with fresh whenever possible.

3.     Buying organic doesn’t mean it’s more expensive.
Ok, that’s not entirely true. But, the fact remains that organic produce and poultry do not require an astronomical investment. I always shop at Trader Joe's because you can see side-by-side that the price differences are negligible. As an added bonus, shopping here also means I cut my shopping trip time by more than half because I’m not wandering around a warehouse sized grocery store.

4.     Eating healthy is great, but you gotta work that booty!
Don’t let your sacrifice be in vain. I realize time isn’t always on our side but you have to commit to a workout. Clean eating in combination with a consistent workout plan gives you your best shot at seeing tangible changes. I will admit this is something I am still struggling with. I hate the gym. So, do as I say, not as I do.

5.     Indulge in a cheat meal, NOT a cheat day.
A day worth of donuts and mac n cheese has the potential to undo all the work you put in through the week. I’m not saying don’t treat yourself. I’m just saying don’t go crazy. Trust me. You’ll thank me the next time you step on the scale.

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