Eating your feelings

4/03/2016 10:00:00 AM

We’ve all done it (most of us can't make it look quite as cute as Ty does covered in avocado). The question is when does searching for joy at the bottom of a Tom and Jerry’s pint cross the line from therapeutic to toxic. This balance is something I continue to struggle with. 

I used to be a modest eater. I rarely finished my plate and had no problem skipping desert. Lately, I find myself grazing from our fridge to the pantry- eating a of little this, then a little of that. Ok, who I am I kidding. It’s more like a ton of this and way, way too much of that. And honestly, I’m embarrassed. I’m totally self-conscious and no matter what I do I can’t pinpoint the exact moment that I lost all dietary self-control. I'll admit that probably sounds more dramatic than it really it. I haven’t ballooned to some unrecognizable person that hides candy bars under the bed, but I am definitely beyond my comfort zone.

So to those struggling like me I say, put down that cupcake and step away from the refrigerator! We can be better. We CAN be different. We can learn to manage our emotions instead of submitting to the impulse for just one more donut.

Here are some tips I found to manage emotional eating:

Meal prepping can help you avoid making bad, food choices. If you missed my last post, check out what I learned from my first week of meal prepping.

Get rid of the junk. Throw out your stockpile of sweet treats and trade them in for healthier options. This means even if you find yourself digging through the fridge for a little reprieve you’ll quickly find that carrots are your only option.

Identify your triggers and find new ways to cope. While stress is a common trigger for emotional eating, be mindful that positive things can lead to it as well. Rewarding yourself for an accomplishment or celebrating a holiday or event are a couple of examples.

Share your feelings. This can take on many forms – writing in a journal, talking to a friend, or even seeing a professional are all ways that can help you accept and eventually overcome those feelings that are prompting emotional eating.

I haven’t been shy about admitting I need to get my crap together. Everyday I am still trying to figure out what I’m doing regarding anything from parenting to how to stop loosing socks in the dryer. The good news is everyday I get a new chance to try again. And as cheesy as it sounds, something about that makes it a little easier to not give up.  

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