Conquer Laundry Chaos

3/23/2016 08:42:00 PM

I am over doing laundry. Seriously, I'd rather walk over hot coals than spend another second folding shirts that I don’t even remember wearing. It seems no matter how many tiny pairs of pants I fold, there’s always MORE. At this point I am convinced my family is actively creating dirty clothes just to toy with me.

So how do I tackle this never-ending responsibility? (Code for: How do I keep myself from setting these last two loads on fire just so I won’t actually have to fold them??)

Welp, here are four tips to conquer laundry chaos.

1.    Wash a load everyday
Avoid the all day spectacle that is “Laundry Day” by popping a load into the wash every day.  Fold and put away that single load instead of being stuck dressing out of baskets of unfolded laundry for the next week.

2.     Throw away that one sock
We have basically abandoned the idea of wearing matching socks. I mean we don’t even try. As far as we are concerned if they are both white, they match. From here on out, I’m ditching these orphaned babies. That also goes for the holey, torn, and stained. Honestly, I’m getting to the point where I might just declare sock bankruptcy and start fresh.

3.    Eliminate sorting
Have one laundry basket for whites and one for colors. This simple trick will eliminate the need for sorting. Just toss your clothes in the proper basket at the end of the day and poof, no more sorting!

4.    Fold like a pro
It might seem silly, but this DIY shirt folder means I can basically fold clothes on autopilot while enjoying an episode of Real Housewives of Wherever the Heck (as my husband calls it).

I hate laundry. I don’t think that will ever change. The best thing I can do for myself is find ways to keep my sanity. Since I started staying at home, I have come to realize for me this notion pretty much applies to any other domestic obligation. You are in control of your frustration. If something is driving you crazy, I can guarantee you someone on the Interwebz has already figured out how to do it better, faster, or easier. Google it, baby!

So tell me, what are your tips and tricks for beating the laundry pile?

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