My Fussy Little Eater

7/16/2016 10:00:00 AM

When Ty turned one, we decided to ditch the bottles. I wanted to go cold turkey, but honestly I was nervous about being responsible for preparing 3 solid meals every single day. Over the course of a couple weeks, we dwindled it down to only a bedtime bottle. Two weeks ago we kissed that one goodbye as well. And…as if a self-fulfilling prophecy, it has proven a little difficult.

Sometimes he eats, sometimes he flings the entire meal from his tray. Duke is happy to handle cleanup meanwhile I’m learning to accept Ty won’t starve himself no matter how many meals end up on the kitchen floor. I was happy to find this little nugget as a guide for exactly how much he should be eating. I spent waay too much time preparing elaborate, Pinterest inspired meals. Homemade chicken nuggets, mini frittatas, and handmade broccoli tots all found their way into Duke’s expanding tummy. Ty wanted nothing to do with these trendy little treasures.

The best advice I’ve gotten is to avoid becoming a short-order cook. After he would refuse one meal, I’d zip around the kitchen like a mad woman collecting anything I thought he might actually eat. Not only was this exhausting, but it also left us spending a small fortune on GoGo Squeez fruit pouches.

So after much trial and error I’ve found a few simple meals Ty will eat without a fuss.

Orzo and Veggies
Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
Avocado Quesadilla
Veggie Soup

So what do your kiddos eat? Share their favorite meals with me!

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