Days 4 and 5: #30DayDesignChallenge

8/06/2016 10:46:00 PM

You thought I forgot, didn't you?? Way to show a little faith! Of course I didn't forget about the #30DayDesignChallenge. I'm just ahead of the curve on these two.

Day 4 – Start A Blog: A blog is a great way to gather inspiration, share your thoughts, or even sell your wares. To start with, create a simple blog using a platform like Wordpress or Squarespace. There are thousands of themes and templates out there that can help you skin your site however you like.

Well obvi I can check this one off the list. I'm excited about how this blog is transforming into a place where I share things not just about Ty (no matter how stinkin cute he is) but also about the things I love.

Day 5 – Make A Moodboard: It can be for anything, it doesn’t matter what. Making a moodboard helps you understand what informs your design sensibilities, and to see your design aesthetic at a bird’s eye view. Sites like Niice let you create moodboards with just a simple bit of dragging and dropping.

Take a look at my Pinterest page and you will see I am the queen of pinning. I use Pinterest for everything from design project inspiration to meal prepping. Pinterest is awesome for creating mood boards because you can pull images and links from anywhere. I even have the Pinterest extension on my browser - so if there's an image, it's pinnable baby!

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