Day 6: #30DayDesignChallenge

8/09/2016 09:38:00 PM

Here was my assignment:

Day 6 – Rebrand A Local Charity: Working for free is a controversial topic, and we won’t go into the pros and cons here. But we do recommend helping out local charities and smaller non-profit groups by volunteering your design skills. Find an association or brand that you gel with, and see what you can do to overhaul their look and feel. It’s an excellent way to improve your design skills and feel good at the same time.

It's rare that I create a logo without a lot of research to inform my design. So this challenge was, well...a challenge for me. Even though I was a little outside my comfort zone, sitting down to design a logo with such a small amount of background information was freeing. There was no client breathing down me neck. There were no requests to 'make it pop' or avoid all oranges because 'Kim doesn't like orange because she has a tabby cat as a child that once but her.' So all in all I'd say this was a successful day.

I think the design could use some tweaking, but I would not be embarrassed to present this to the organization. Speaking of, Inner City Youth Tutoring is a sweet little nonprofit that was founded in 2005. They tutor under-privileged and at risk youth ages Pre-K to 12th grade completely free. Check them out!

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