Day 1: #30DayDesignChallenge

8/02/2016 09:40:00 PM

Image Credit: Peter M
It's day 1 of my month long commitment to becoming a better, more energized designer. Let's see what I'm doing today...

Day 1 – Take Stock Of Where You Are Now: To start off, make a list of your skills and weaknesses as a designer. What do you enjoy doing? What could you be better at? Take the time to write down your qualities as a designer, and use them going forward to shape the areas you'll focus on.

This reminds of one of those questions they ask you during an interview. You know the one that you answer, "Well...I feel like my biggest weakness is I'm a perfectionist...." [insert massive eye roll here]. Luckily this is just between you and me so I promise be honest.

The Good:
  • I'm great at organizing a lot of information
  • I am mostly always patient with difficult clients :)
  • I am a resourceful designer. I like finding solutions to problems.
  • I take pride in what I make. I will never present anything I'm not proud of.
  • My work is clean, simple, and fresh. Less is almost always more.
The Bad:
  • I need to become more versed in illustration/hand drawing. I feel like this will have a real, tangible impact on my designs.
  • I'll never miss a deadline, but by God I'm working right up to that sucker
  • I spend a lot of time researching before I actually do any designing
So, there it is. One day down, 29 to go. I'll be back tomorrow with my first stab at creating an original font using my own handwriting. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't completely geeked about this!

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