Y’all miss me or nah?

7/16/2016 10:00:00 AM

It’s been a gooood minute since I’ve posted anything to the blog. I have no good excuses. Honestly, I was being lazy - I’m sorry, friends. However I am happy to share since going radio silent, some pretty darn cool things have happened here! Let's see. I was in a wedding and wore make-up for the first time. Ty had a few playdates. We started going to tot time at a local Aquatic Center - Ty loves the water. Lemme see, what else... oh, we were elated to find out Ty is going to be a big God-brother!

To make up for going M.I.A., I will be dropping a couple posts this week to catch you guys up. Just a note, I’ve been holding on to these for a little over a week. Given the recent sadness impacting my community and our society as a whole right now, it just felt right to hold off.

But I digress. First and most exciting to me personally, Tyson turned ONE! Check out some pics and a post about the weather drama that unfolded.

Also, since ditching the bottle, I’ve discovered I have a picky eater on my hands. I’m sharing a few of my go-to recipes that are not only cheap, but also quick.

Oh! I can’t forget about my locs. Hooneeeey, my hair is fabulous. I have been so happy with this transformation. I plan (operative word ‘plan’) to put together a quick video for you guys, but Ty has been clocking 30 minute naps consistently so that might just be a pipe dream. Nevertheless, I will attempt because I feel like I owe you guys!

Alright buds, that’s it for now. I hope you can forgive my absence. I promise I won’t leave you again…ok well, I promise I will try not to leave you again.


- Do people still say ‘peace?’ Even if they don’t - I stand by that sign-off.

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