He’s ONE y’all!

7/16/2016 10:00:00 AM

Ty turned one almost a month ago. Although he was completely oblivious to this major milestone, he was content to enjoy a day of bubbles and poor dietary decisions.

I was tremendously eager to have an outdoor party. I was lucky enough to reserve a pavilion at a local park that he loves. On the morning of the party, it was pouring down rain. The forecast predicted a 100% chance for rain and thunderstorms. Not just rain, but friggin thunder-storms. We waited throughout the morning hoping the clouds would roll on past but finally had to accept our fortune. I few group texts and a couple phone calls later the party was moved from the picturesque park we had reserved to Ty’s grandparents’ house.

So we packed up the car and headed to my parents’ house. It was all hands on deck. Thanks so much to all our family that helped set things up. Even Ty’s sleepy, pregnant Godmother pitched in.

Amidst the commotion of getting ready I somehow forgot to note the sunshine spilling through the windows. And would you believe it…the sun kept shining and not a single drop of rain fell from the sky.

In the end Ty had a wonderful day. I however am admittedly still a little peeved that we didn’t get the park pavilion, playground, spray pad party I had planned for. Nevertheless I am pleased to report it went off without a hitch. You know, it’s true what they say. It all happens so darn fast, it’s easy to miss it. I’m so happy I’ve been able to spend this last year watching Ty grow. It’s been a gift.

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