Waking up before sunrise is for losers anyway

3/05/2016 09:00:00 AM

Every morning I am basically kicking and screaming for just 5 more minutes. After reading this article by designer, writer John Zeratsky, I am inspired to try something new – being a morning person. Everyday I literally drag myself from the bed. It feels like I am wading through quicksand as I stumble through my morning routine. That desperately dazed sensation follows me through the morning basically eliminating any potential for genuine productivity.

Despite the sleep deprivation characteristic of early parenthood, I am resolute in my desire to become better equipped to take on the day. Who knows? Maybe the best version of myself is a bright eyed, peppy housewife and mother that wakes with a plan for the day, makes breakfast for her family and sits down for early morning coffee in an, at least relatively, clean kitchen. The real problem is figuring out how I go about reprogramming almost three decades (oh Lord, why did I write that) of bad habits? 

All signs point to a need to drop my late afternoon nap but I'm not convinced I'd make it to bedtime without keeling over. Then again no matter how tired I am when my head hits the pillow, my brain remains totally active waiting for a bleat from the baby monitor. And as with any other self-fulfilling prophecy, just as my eyes shut and I begin to slip into sleep my sweet little son wakes with a whimper.

I don't know how successful this venture will be. I might go down in a blaze of flames. So in the spirit of lukewarm commitment, I'm going to give it a full two weeks. I'll update on what's working for me and what’s absolutely not. The first and most important step of my plan...buy coffee!

Laugh at my pain with these insanely accurate representations of my morning nonsense from BuzzFeed. Or be productive and check out this or maybe this for some tricks of your own to become more useful in the AM.

Something already working for you? Are you a reformed snoozer? What are your morning routines? What gets you ready the day?

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