#MealPrepMonday... on Thursday but whatevs

4/07/2016 04:37:00 PM

Meal Prep Monday officially kicked my butt today. Between Ty inexplicably crying for about 2 hours straight, slightly overcooking the sirloin I had been look forward to, and just outright burning a pot of brown rice, I definitely had to invoke woosah on more than one occasion. Nevertheless I made it to the finish line.

In the spirit of full disclosure I will admit my prep pics are light this week because my kitchen was basically a disaster zone. (long sigh… guess I will be dealing with that later…)

Now, if you follow me on Facebook you’ll know I came across a pretty stellar list of meal prep tips that I planned to put into action this week.  While everything did not go exactly as planned, I am happy to report that we have a little much needed variety in our meals this week.

So, here’s what I made:

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Meals
Breakfast: Blackberry and Strawberry Greek Yogurt Parfait
Snack: Kashi Honey, Almond Flax Bar
Snack: Mini Fruit Bowl
Dinner: Trader Joe’s Carne Asada and Grilled Veggies

Wednesday, Friday, Sunday Meals
Breakfast: Smoothie and Scrambled Eggs
Snack: Mini Fruit Bowl
Snack: Kashi Chocolate, Almond and Sea Salt Bar
Dinner: Grilled Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, and Green Beans

 Next week I think I will limit my lunch option to one. Two was a bit more work than I had bargained for. It was nice to have the option for dinner so I will be prepping two again next week. Check back then for another #MealPrepMonday.

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